JSI’2025 is a leading conference and forum on Engineering Science. During this event, Conferences and Symposium relating to the considered areas are presented in the form of plenary sessions and oral communications by researchers, industrials and students. The subject areas include, but are not limited to the following fields:

  • Modelling and simulation,
  • Experimental testing methods, 
  • Energy efficiency,
  • Renewable energy,
  • Sustainable environment,
  • Material technology,
  • Agroindustry development,
  • Innovation and industrial applications,
  • Artificial Intelligence and Applications,
  • Industry 4.0.


This scientific event will be organized in Sfax city. The official partners of the JSI’2025 is the Association of Graduate Engineers of ENIS (AIDENIS), The ENIS Clubs, the Research Laboratories and Units as well as the Industrial Companies are highly recommended to participate in this event. In particular, the Laboratory of Electromechanical Systems (LASEM), the Laboratory of Computer and Embedded Systems (CES) as well as the companies like STEG, SONEDE, Cisen Computer, Myrage, Socomenin, IET, AMI, SEREPT, CETIME, FonTec, POLINA, SPECTRA, SENCOM, SIAF, SCIN, SKG, SOPAL, TELNET, PRIMATECH and TunisieTelecom are of great help during this event. Exhibition stands will be available to present the industrial equipment and the students projects. All of these elements made this event an excellent meeting place for engineering students, researchers and industrials. 


The papers published in the proceedings of the JSI’2025 will be evaluated by the scientific comity. The selected and presented papers will be published in a Book and/or proposed International Journals from Springer, Bentham or Nova Science Publishers. A round table will take place to assess the material presented during these Days and two prizes will be awarded for participants of the JSI’2025:

  • The first prize is for the best research work.
  • The second prize is for the best technological innovation.


For Hotel Reservation:

Select Venue/Hotel Offers from the menu or click on:
  Hotel Reservation

For Remote Participation:

For the participants who are unable to travel to the conference venue, they have the option of participating remotely by sending their presentation in the first step and attending the discussions via Google Meet on the day of the conference in the second step :
  Join us on Google Meet